Northern Technologies Intl.

Northern Technologies Intl. in short: developing, marketing and selling proprietary environmentally responsible materials science based products and technical services

Northern Technologies Intl.

Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC) focuses on developing, marketing and selling proprietary environmentally responsible materials science based products and technical services in over 50 countries worldwide via a network of joint ventures. In fiscal 2005, our primary revenues derived from the sales of Zerust® rust and corrosion inhibiting packaging products and services to the automotive, electronics, electrical, mechanical, military and retail consumer markets. During this same period, we also received revenues from sales of proprietary new technologies including anti-abrasion ink additives, as well as bio-based sintered metal mold release agents, bio-solvents, bio-emollients, bio-cleaners, bio-lubricants and fully bio-degradable plastic packaging. In a concerted effort to extend our proprietary technologies, we actively engage in extensive scientific research and development programs in the areas of material science and corrosion protection.

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We are located in Lino Lkes, USA, America(North)

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