Forja Centro in short: production of steel forging products

Forja Centro

Right from its foundation, Forjacentro, C.A’s product applied technology has been evolving continuously for each of its business units, the latter, plus the expertise of our forgers, and highly skilled technical and administrative personnel, have enable us to constantly increase productivity and quality performance up to the present level of excellence. Currently, our production is focused on the requirements and needs of the Oil & Gas Industry. Forjacentro supply products that meet the most demanding International Manufacturing quality Standards. Current manufacturing capacity is 15,000 tons per year of various types and sizes of forging products with a maximum individual weight of 8 tons. Forjacentro is strategically located in Tinaquillo, just a few kilometers away from the seaport of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela’s largest port facility. Through Puerto Cabello we ship all our products to the Americas and Europe.

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We are located in Tinaquillo, VENEZUELA, America(South)

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