HAWE Hydraulics

HAWE Hydraulics in short: specialized hydraulic solutions for industrial and mobile motion control problems

HAWE Hydraulics

Specialized Hydraulic Solutions From A Global Leader It was in 1949, in Munich, Germany, when engineer, Karl Heilmeier, and merchant, Wilhelm Weinlein, founded Heilmeier und Weinlein, Fabrik für Oelhydraulik GmbH & Co. KG. Their vision: To create specialized hydraulic solutions for industrial and mobile motion control problems. With their pioneering spirit and the decision to use steel as their material of choice, they rapidly conquered the marketplace and built a loyal customer following. Today, HAWE Hydraulics is known as HAWE (pronounced Hä-vay’) Hydraulics and is recognized throughout the world as a quality provider of all-steel-constructed, specialized hydraulic product solutions

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We are located in Charlotte, USA, America(North)


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