Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms by B


BQL  B/QL log
BOB  back on bottom
BPV Back pressure valve
BO  back-off log
BH Baker Hughes
BPLUG  baker plug
BVO  ball valve operator
bbl  barrel
b Barrel (42 galUS)
boed  barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day
BCPD  barrels condensate per day
BFPD Barrels of fluid per day
BLPD Barrels of liquid per day
boe Barrels of oil equivalent
boe/d barrels of oil equivalent per day
BOEPD Barrels of oil equivalent per day
BOPD Barrels of oil per day
BWPD Barrels of water per day
bwd  barrels of water per day (often used in reference to oil production)
BPD barrels per day
BPH  barrels per hour
BPM Barrels per minute
BGWP  base of ground-water protection
BOSIET  basic offshore safety induction and emergency training
BS&W Basic sediment and water
BM Bay Marchand Area Gulf of Mexico leasing area
BBS Behavioral-based safety
BBSM  behaviour-based safety management
BDF  below Derrick floor
BGL  below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a well)
BML Below mud line
BRT  below rotary table (used as a datum for depths in a well)
BSL Below sea level
BSML  below sea mean level
BS  Bend Stiffener
BSR Bend strength ratio
BTEX  benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene
BAST Best available and safest technology
BHCA  BHC acoustic log
BHC  BHC gamma ray log
BHCS  BHC sonic log
BIVDL  BI/DK/WF/Casing collar locator/gamma ray log
BOM  Bill of materials
Bcfe  billion cubic feet (of natural gas equivalent)
Bcf  billion cubic feet (of natural gas)
BOD  Biological Oxygen Demand
BIOR  biostratigraphic range log
BIORE  biostratigraphy study report
BDL  bit data log
BSR Blind shear ram
BH  bloodhound
BOP Blowout preventer
BOPE Blowout preventer equipment
BSDV Boarding shutdown valve
BP Boiling point
BINXQ  bond index quicklook log
BARS Borehole acoustic reflection survey
BGL  borehole geometry log
BGT  borehole geometry tool
BHL  borehole log
BHPRP  borehole pressure report
BPFL  borehole profile log
BOREH  borehole seismic analysis
BHSS  borehole seismic survey
BHTV  borehole television report
BA  Bottom Assembly (of a riser)
BOTHL  bottom hole locator log
BTHL  bottom hole log
BOTTO  bottom hole pressure/temperature report
BHSRE  bottom hole sampling report
BLI  bottom of logging interval
BOP  bottom of pipe
BSR Bottom simulating reflector
BU  bottom up
BUL  bottom up lag
BHA Bottomhole assembly
BHCP Bottomhole circulating pressure
BHCT Bottomhole circulating temperature
BHFP Bottomhole flowing pressure
BHL Bottomhole location
BHP Bottomhole pressure
BHP Bottomhole pressure
BHST Bottomhole static temperature
BHT Bottomhole temperature
ANP Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency
BA Brazos Area Gulf of Mexico leasing area
BTO/C  break to open/close (valve torque)
BFOE Brent, Forties, Oseberg, and Ekofisk (oil fields)
BS Breton Sound Area Gulf of Mexico leasing area
BRPLG  bridge plug log
BLP Bridge-linked platform
BA Bridging agreement
BGS  British Geological Survey
Btu British thermal unit
BP Bubble point
BUR  build-up rate
BOEM  Bureau Ocean Energy Management
BSL Burner safety low (burner flame detector)
C4  butane
BWOC By weight of cement
BWOW By weight of water