Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms by D


DARCI  Darci log
D Darcy
D Day
DAFW Days away from work
DART Days Away, Restricted work, or job Transfer
DDBHC  DDBHC waveform log
DMA  dead-man anchor
DECT  decay time
DDCV Deep draft caisson vessel
DESFL  deep induction SFL log
DW Deep water
DPT  deeper pool test, Lahee classification
DWH Deepwater Horizon
DWOP Deepwater operations plan
DEFSU  definitive survey report
DOA  delegation of authority
dP Delta pressure
DELTA  delta-T log
DEN  density log
POR  Density Porosity Log
DECC  Department for Energy and Climate Change (UK)
DEPAN  deposit analysis report
DHC  depositional history curve
DD&A Depreciation, depletion and amortization
DEPC  depth control log
DDET  depth determination log
DTT  depth to time
DDM  Derrick drilling machine (a.k.a. top drive)
DF  Derrick floor
DOO Designation of operator
DC Desoto Canyon Gulf of Mexico leasing area
DPP Development and production plan
DL  development license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore license issued before 1996
DOCD Development operations coordination documents
DEV  development well, Lahee classification
DEVLG  deviation log
DS  Deviation survey, (also directional system)
DP Dewpoint
DEXP  D-exponent log
DIEGR  dielectric gamma ray log
Delta Difference between plan and performance
Crack spread Difference between the price of crude oil and the price of products made from it
DPLD  differential pressure levitated device (or vehicle)
DLT Digital linear tape
DWSS  dig-well seismic surface log
DAZD  dip and azimuth display
DINT  dip interpretation
DIPLP  dip lithology pressure log
DIPRM  dip removal log
DLIST  dip-list log
DIPBH  dipmeter borehole log
DIPFT  dipmeter fast log
DIP  dipmeter log
DQLC  dipmeter quality control log
DIPRE  dipmeter report
DIPSA  dipmeter soda log
DIPSK  dipmeter stick log
DAC  dipole acoustic log
DIPAR  dipole acoustic report
DSI  dipole shear imager
DD Directional drilling
DIM  directional inertia mechanism
DIRS  directional survey log
DIRSU  directional survey report
DMR Discharge monitoring report
DISFL  DISFL DBHC gamma ray log
DAC Distance amplitude curve
DPS Distinct population segment
DCS  Distributed Control System
DSV  diving support vessel or drilling supervisor
DL Dogleg
DLS  dog-leg severity (directional drilling)
DABS Double action bypass sub
DBB  double block and bleed
DHCE Downhole completion equipment
DNHO  downhole logging
DHPTT  downhole pressure/temperature transducer
DOWRE  downhole report
DHSV  downhole safety valve
DRI  drift log
DC  drill centre
DC Drill collar
DDPT  drill data plot log
DIF  drill in fluids
DP  drill pipe
D&C  drilling and completions
DRLCT  drilling chart
DFR  drilling factual report
DH  drilling history
DRLOG  drilling log
DRPRS  drilling pressure
DRPG  drilling program report
DRLPR  drilling proposal/progress report
DR  drilling report
DRREP  drilling report
DWOP Drilling well on paper (exercise)
DST Drillstem test
DSTW  drill-stem test job report/works
DSTL  drill-stem test log
DSTR  drill-stem test report
DSTRE  drill-stem test report
DSTSM  drill-stem test summary report
DSTPB  drill-stem test true vertical depth playback log
DFT Dry film thickness
DT Dry Tortugas Gulf of Mexico leasing area
DRYRE  drying report
DSCAN  DSC analysis report
DCAL  dual caliper log
DDNL  dual det. neutron life log
DISO  dual induction sonic log
DLL  dual laterolog (deep and shallow resistivity)
DPL  dual propagation log
DPRES  dual propagation resistivity log
DILB  dual-induction BHC log
DILL  dual-induction laterolog
DIL  dual-induction log
DILLS  dual-induction log-LSS
DILSL  dual-induction log-SLS
DSTND  dual-space thermal neutron density log
DWQL  dual-water quicklook log
DR  dummy-run log
DD Dustin Dome Gulf of Mexico leasing area
DXC  DXC pressure pilot report
PP  DXC Pressure Plot Log
DGP  dynamic geohistory plot (3D technique)
DP  dynamic positioning
DPS Dynamic positioning system
DP Dynamically positioned
DPDV  dynamically positioned drilling vessel
DPSS Dynamically positioned semisubmersible